Long term Travel Diary

Long Term Travel Diary – Sean Brett

Travel Diary for Funny Backpacker (Sean Brett)

Hello Everyone and welcome to my travel life, If you’re new here let me just give you a rundown of what you will find below.

Simply put, you will find my travel diary. My plans, thoughts and general life updates.

I will try and post when my life changes. In the top corner, you will see the date of the update. The newest article will be at the top of the page.

I use this as a way of just getting my thoughts out.

Newest Article!

The next article below will be the newest article. As you scroll down they get older.
Use the page number at the bottom of the page for even older articles

Date: 11/06/2023

I finished Backpacking Europe. Start of Something New

It’s funny that when we had no job and were travelling at our own time and pace, I don’t have a lot of free time. Actually, that’s not correct. I had 24 hours in a day worth of free time, but I spent it more wisely.

It’s mad when you think of travel, you can logically work out how much a day costs you. You are less likely to waste it, so you spend them wisely. But if you are in the stages of earning for your next travels then, Time seems like it’s against you. You’re wanting for the next trip.

When I was Backpacking Europe, I saw this part of my blog as unnecessary to write in. It wasn’t earning me money, It’s not building a following, most of the time it’s a way of getting my thoughts out. But having this dairy during the time I’m working towards the next big trip, helps me see the bigger picture.

Before I talk about my life now, let’s recap the last 2 months…

We explored Europe, and I got a taste of what it was like to be a full-time vlogger, stressful, but satisfying. We went from Bulgaria to Greece to Albania to Montenegro to Croatia to Bosnia and Herzegovina back to Croatia to Austria to Hungary To Slovakia to Chezia to Poland. It was Amazing!

But when we got back, after travelling for 2 months, I felt lost. Lost with lifestyle, my decisions and the future. It’s the backpacking blues.

I’m working a Job in one of the most beautiful parts of England, Saving money quickly and doing things that I normally wouldn’t like swimming in a river. But I can’t focus on the bigger picture. That’s why I’m here.

The big picture is going from travelling to earning to travelling to earning…etc Travelling why earning

I have a lot of ideas about what I should do, it is currently their ideas. Here are the problems:

  • I’m writing a Book, I’ve been writing for a while (years) it’s about how to start a travel life. I’m not sure that my Following is suited for this (I seemed to pick up more travellers on my Youtuber Channel than wannabee travellers)
  • I want to focus on the Backpacking Blues, But I can’t seem to know why and how and if people would be interested in this.
  • The Youtube channel is growing… Only on vlogs, I can’t do good travel vlogs at the moment! I don’t want to change my style on YouTube But If I wish to get success in The next 6 months I need to.
  • The Website is doing well on pun articles, I want more than that here. All the other articles are normally misses.
  • I get Fiverr gigs once every few months and they seem to be more time-consuming than it’s worth.
  • Do I branch off into Social media for companies for freelance work
  • Do I Branch off using my hospitality experience for freelance work
  • Do I focus back on Dental
  • If I become a successful travel vlogger how long can it last?

As you can see this is my head at the moment. It’s easy to go all at everything, but I’ve done this before and it’s a huge mess that doesn’t get anywhere.

This is what I need to todo:

  • I need my YouTube To grow with me ( as I change, it changes)
  • The Book, I want to continue as I love this style of it, it’s different, I feel like it could be a great series, not a follow on series but could be.
  • I need to sit and plan incomes that I want for long term. The Fiverr isn’t working at the moment, but it has something
  • I need to stop stressing, it is so hot at the moment, I’m giving myself too much to worry about.
  • I need to clean things up online and redirect myself. Once I know where we are going.

Date: 11/04/2023

The first month (nearly) Of backpacking Europe

It is hard to write a diary, and articles and make videos while backpacking.

I kinda use the polar step app and that is perfect for short updates, but trying to keep on top of an app that is designed for daily updates is even hard.

But I have a few minutes so I thought I could update you quickly on my life as a backpacker using all my resources.

This is how it started

From here, were travelled around Sofia. It was Brillant. See it here

From here we went to Plovdiv again I was shocked at how beautiful it was

Bulgaria was great but there was stuff that I wasn’t expecting

You can read about them here Things you wouldn’t think about before visiting Bulgaria

If you want to know what we packed Everything You Need To Pack For Backpacking Europe or watch it here

We’re currently in Tirana But went from Plovdiv to Thessonki to Ioannia to Corfu to Saranda but i run out of time and video to talk about them… dinner time in the hostel

Date: 05/03/2023

Starting A New Travel Chapter

When people decide to travel there are a lot of things that need sorting, planning and altogether a lot of stuff that isn’t too much fun. This gets worse when you are a wannabe travel vlogger and or travel blogger. There is much more than just packing a bag.

When my car finally packed in, we had the decision to fix it, get a new car or … Just pack up our lives and backpack until our savings run out.

We chose option 3. Maybe not the most logical for others. But for us, it was a no-brainer.

The problem was the fact with the car no longer being accessible to us getting to work was going to be a nightmare. This was the main reason we gave ourselves 31 to give up everything, our house, jobs and our current lives.

As I write we are only 10 days away from giving everything up. My bag is semi-packed, the house is half-packed up and I’m here trying to sort out my online stuff.

Everything is about to change once again. A slight rebranding, a little update here and there and upgrading how I do stuff.

One thing you will notice is there will be a lot more “we ” than “I” as the rebranding will include Holly as she is now a massive part o my travel life. No longer a solo backpackers but we are couple backpackers. This means more articles on how to travel with a partner. But there will be still a lot of the same stuff as you got before.

OH, we got engaged, Just remembered I haven’t ‘t actually wrote about this yet here is the video.

I wanted to write about this so much when I was planning it as it stressed me out so much. You can see this in the video. but the result was amazing.

I hope to give you a lot more content on here and on the youtube channel. I am also expecting this website and more importantly the Youtube channel to take off this summer. As I currently write this my stats for my youtube page are 450 subs and 7500 views in 28 days. This website had 1600 page views in 28 days and made £1.28.

I will write more about the trip later!