Long term Travel Diary

Long Term Travel Diary – Sean Brett

Date: 01/09/2021

Being Backed Up

Dam I’m so backed up right now it hurts, more keeps coming and nothing is coming out. I’m not here asking for help I’m asking for forgiveness.

I have about 20 million things to do and writing this diary is low on this list. So here is a very short update of the videos I’ve kinda filmed but need to do my talk over, script and editing for;



St Andrews

Two beaches in Ayrshire

The Hermitage

Best Places in The West Highland way

Probably more… but as you see I’m travelling a lot at the moment and living my best life.

Anyways here are my latest videos;

Date: 05/08/2021

Health Check

Isolation came and went but yet, I feel like I’m still stuck inside.
Sounds so sudden to go from walking around and exploring Edinburgh to clocking a fever of nearly 40’C in hospital only a couple of days apart. But that’s exactly what happened.

A simple thing as an infection of the throat can not only trap you in a bed for well over a week but it can damage your invincible mindset thinking that plans wouldn’t really be held back ever because of health. Once you work out you are not a robot and yes you will get sick, you work out you need to plan for this.

Bit of background, I got an infection that put me in bed for 2 days then, in the hospital for 5 and now on drugs and recovery that even this simple bit of writing I find hard. I’m hoping by Sunday I’ll be back on my feet but that is hope.

I write this diary entree, not for sympathy ( but flowers and chocolates can be sent to the usual address). Just in a way if you are following this diary as a way that you plan to travel nomadically, that you need to think about your health. This may be making sure you are covered with insurance or may a simple thing as drinking more water. Drinking more water is now on my list. But don’t let this put you off.

I know I got away very lightly this time, I am thankful for that.

In other news I got a car but more on that in a video.

Date: 15/07/2021

Isolation 2.0

Here we go again, another 10 days stuck inside. This time it’s away from home. I don’t want to go into much detail about who, why and how got in to locked in isolation, but I’m good. I didn’t want to talk to you about what happened, I wanted to explain how easy it is to use time like this very negatively. I’m technically halfway through this lockdown and to be fair, I’ve used to it as a good time to slack off. Instead of using it as a way of refocusing on my goals.

Since arriving in Scotland there has been a lot of changes in my life, this was mainly down to Scotland not being anything like I planned in my head, Well to be fair Scotland is, I wasn’t. Scotland is the same place I researched but I planned to use this as a stepping stone to the next adventure, Scotland has become my base.

That might sound un-nomadic but more the case that the way I plan to see the world having bases actually helps, giving myself rules like moving on every six months or no returning to a place, might sound good on paper, because if you keep moving your see more. This isn’t always the case. You see more when you move slower. Fly over a country, you see nothing. Take a train across it, you just see landscapes. In a car, you see the landscapes and the roads and the people when you stop. But if you walk you see the country.

Saying this change in mindset really shouldn’t take me away from my goals for the year, my goals keep me focus on my future.

  • Get healthier
    This goals is the one that, I really have let go, probably putting a lot of the weight that i prevousily lost on the back on , if i’m not careful. But long term I have started to learn how how to get more Vegan/ Vegiatrain in the hopes to learn more about using food in a more thoughtout way. Having to think about what i’m eating is good for me.
  • Be debt free
    This I completed back at the start of the year but, I haven’t made much effort to build on this yet. I need to think about the future more when it comes to money.
  • Build YouTube and Camera Skills
    To be fair since getting the drone it has improved the channel by a lot, well I would say the drone did this and the fact i’m actually traveling on my travel channel. There is things I look at each time I release a video and i go I need to improve that, each week I feel my videos get better.
  • Travel more
    I started strong on this, Seeing Glasgow, Crianlairch, Oban and then Glencoe. But since I’ve gone more indepth into Glasgow area. I have put plans in place to see more like Edinburgh and thinking about a lot more places in Scotland.

So I’ve got 5 days left of being shut in so I’m going to try and focus more on these goals and even go through this diary and try and write all the articles that I keep promising you.

Here are the Hidden Gems that I mentioned last week: Scotland’s Hidden Gems

Date: 07/07/2021

Traveling isn’t as lonely as first thought

Current travel life has slowed for a couple of reasons. But it’s not a bad thing by any means when I imagined the whole travelling for 10 years, I never planned for a break. There was a lot of things I panicked about.
The whole building of meaningless relationships was the main problem that I saw. You build short term relationships with friends that you meet in hostels, workplaces and with women that it would have to stay casual because the chances of finding anyone that would want to or plans to travel with or in the sameish direction as you was near to zero.

But the funny thing is when you travel you meet other travellers. You attract the people around you that are similar to you. Working in a seasonal job, you work with people that work seasonally. Sounds basic knowledge, but that means they are more than likely to be the same as yourself.
When it comes to forming romantic relationships, even that isn’t as hard as it might seem your not the only one in the world that wants to travel. You might need to change the next destination in some cases but a lot of the time your end up going to all the places you want, but with someone.
So yes, maybe I’ve not done a lot of travelling in the last month but I’ve been learning that travelling isn’t so lonely as I first imagined.

In other news, I have started to fall in love with Scotland. It has many sides to this place, it has a very similar vibe to Australia, without the weather. I say this but it could just be I don’t feel I’m in the 9-5 lifestyle at the moment and the last time I was out of the 9-5 was Australia. But the people here are friendly and open. the place is very diverse, go from cities to hill walks to history to hipster vibes. Glasgow even has the balance of clean tidy and a little rough around the edges that I love about cities.
If your reading this diary I’m sure you’re watching my videos but, here are the last two



Yeah, I’m a little slow on getting the videos out at the moment. This is because I’m actually a little slow on the whole process I filmed Crianlarich, Oban and Glencoe all in quick succession of each other and still yet to film more. Editing seems to be a bit of a struggle with the balance of time but.. in a weird way I’m enjoying a 2-week break between videos at the moment, seems to give a good balance of life and YouTube. The stats show you guys are too. I appreciate all the support, it’s been fantastic.

The next place I’m looking at is Edinburgh which I plan to film, Next Wednesday but your probably a while from seeing this.

I hoped you enjoyed this update, I look forward to showing you more of Scotland soon… actually I forgot to mention I plan to put together a list of hidden gems of Scotland but as you know I’m not the best at putting all my planned blogs into action.

Date: 05/06/2021

Scotland is a party!

How the Hell do I catch you up…

Well luckily for me I made a video about moving to Scotland so that makes it easier, This video here explains me leaving my life in Braintree and moving up too Scotland (well its gets you up to Glasgow.) There been much more than that happened but this video is a start.

This video takes you from Braintree to Glasgow.

This video took place on Friday the 21/5/21

It’s been 2 weeks since I’ve arrived in Scotland, Man… it feels like a lot longer.

Nomadic Life has begun! I don’t know what I expecting when coming up to Crianlarich. Maybe just a village in the middle of nowhere, not a lot to do, time to work on me, time to work on The Funny Backpacker. This hasn’t happened yet, it’s been a busy life so far. If I’m not out exploring the local area, the distance area (via train) or working or drinking… I might find time to write a short diary entry. This is my first diary entry since Scotland.

I have 2 videos in the works, one a Vlog/ Documentary on Crianlarich and the other a Vlog on a Weekend in Oban. Both I’m very excited to show you. Just need to film the monologue of the Crianlarich video, and the script of the monologue of the Oban one. Edit them and get them out on a Friday.

Crianlarich is so Beautiful, I will be writing an article on it in the future so stick around for that, Will relink it here if I remember once I wrote it. ( Hey, look I actually keep to my word)


Oban was a lovely seaside town, great fish and chips!

Oban Scotland

I know this was a very short update on my life, and to be fair it wasn’t very detailed but hopefully looking at putting more time into this in the next couple of weeks. When I release the video on Crianlarich I hope to have an article on here as well as following diary update.

Oh before I forget I released my Travel bucket list, 10 Year Travel Bucket List