Long term Travel Diary

Long Term Travel Diary – Sean Brett

Date: 06/05/2021

Let’s Get This Party Started!

Feels like entirety since I wrote in this diary, Not because of how long it’s been a time more the fact of how much I’ve done so much in the way of planning for future travels… I actually have a destination. Crianlarich, Scotland!

I have less than 20 days from when nomadic life begins, It’s a scary thought that all the prep work I have put in the last 6 months is nearly come to fruition. It’s actually a bit of scary thought how well, everything has played out to get myself in this position.

Everything I have worked towards in the last 6 months, as it being paying off debts, Losing weight, Planning a future, building a kit for both travel & travel creating I have achieved with a greater completion than I believe was possible in November. This does sound like a brag, in a way it is but I want to show what you can do it too, even at times of little hope. This is what this diary is for and my vlogs, they are not a way too brag but a way of saying “if this idiot can it, I can”

What planning have I done? And what’s left to-do?

So I’ve worked out how I plan to get to Crianlarich from Essex. That is a journey and I half, I can tell you. But more on this in a later vlog.

I’ve done a Further test video for my YouTube channel as well as cleaned up all the videos that don’t fit with the vlog, challenge, short style on YouTube in a bit of a way for brand Identity. The channel is set up ready for the next 10 years. Anyways here is a link to Video of the Latest challenge.


I brought all the items for my trip, Bag is “packed” well I say packed. I have the stuff. I need to sort it out and need to get rid of all the other stuff I have in the room. Finish off the downsizing.

To be fair the rest is a lot of mental planning. Saying goodbye to friends and family if I get the chance before I go but other than that I’m pretty much ready to pick up a bag and go.

I’m excited to show you this journey!

Date: 19/04/2021

Testing the water

With the fact, I have my new camera and now a new complete editing software on a new laptop. I need to really start using it, well at least learning how to use it for when I get back in to the whole travel creator lifestyle again.

This is exactly what I’ve done!

Life+Travel update: I haven’t had much free time yet and no actual plans in stone yet… a couple of options might come to light in the next couple of days but can’t say much at the moment. I’ve had this weekend off but due to working nights and trying to turn it over to being awake in the day time during the weekend and swap it back for my night shift tonight I’ve so how managed to give myself an 18-hour body clock. (get tired quicker but sleepless time in periods)

Anyways this update is about me testing my new kit in ways that I will be using when traveling


I was able to test the whole YouTube shorts (Also uploaded the same video to TikTok and Insta). This new idea is a quick style review of a place or an area when it comes to travel, its super easy to make when actually travelling its no extra effort when recording (as it clips I’m likely to film when walking anyways), just more editing.

I aim to make these 30 seconds and more cinematic less talking very basic and similar intro and outro to each

Here is the first attempt, there is a few details that need changing but this is an outline out what I will be doing when visiting new places.

Saving for travel video

This video was filmed in a way that makes it sound like I’m no longer saving for travel, well thats because. I’m not. Yes I’m working my arse off at times but its defiantly dropped off in the last couple of weeks that due to work demand as well as the fact, I’ve hit my targets and being burnt out.

This video might seems a little early for release as yes I’m still at work and haven’t given in my notice at all. But with the current expiry of my temp contact being early June, me saying I’m saying i’m planning to leave late june wouldn’t and shouldn’t be an issue.

Here is the video


Issues I had with filming this was mainly down to camera position and holding it, was a totally new experience and something I need to practise with.

Date: 1/04/2021

New Camera, New Look.

I got a New Camera as it was the next logical upgrade I needed for improving my videos as I mention in the last entry.

Well, this camera turned up, It is a Sony ZV-1 which is designed for vlogging… And so far has gone above and beyond everything, I could have hoped for. Due to upgrading from a Nikon B500 Coolpix which is designed mainly for photos, I’m finding the Sony camera has much more automatic features as well as better quality upgrading from HD to 4K video. I could go into more minor details of the camera but I don’t want to bore you… just say it’s an improvement, one for ease of use and better quality for you.

I’ve had this camera for a few days now but only had a chance to play with it today due to the fact I have been working a LOT of hours lately (13 days in a row, 7 of the days alone totally 67.5 hours all night work).

I decided to make a test video for the Patreon Page (Become a Patreon Here)

But for for guys that are not Patreon here is a whole 5 second clip of the new camera


There is so much to learn about this camera and I feel in the next month or so I need to practise new techniques for the return to YouTube in June time.

I also mentioned how I want to do 3 returning videos to YouTube, I’m a little unsure at the moment as something has happened that makes me think doing a video about “shit-talking the whole use of YouTube to travel the world for free” might not be the right video as my angle has slightly changed on how to make money to save for travel… don’t get me wrong it’s not changed from the fact I could shit talk use of youtube travel the world for free but working your arse off like me is also stupid… I have a new idea but it’s a work in progress.

Anyways this was an article to say I worked hard and brought a camera this month… Watch this space.

PS. You might see some ads on the website now (who do you think brought this camera, only joking) this is more of test of the water, they may stay or go who knows.

Date: 11/03/2021

Setting Up a New Chapter

Bit of a quick one today, Just writing this because I don’t want to go ages without an update on here because “I’m busy” because this dairy was made for when I’m too busy to make a video.

But as I was saying, I am busy. Busy doing a lot of big stuff that will set me up for June time. I realised that I need to get back in to whole creator Lifestyle again. I’ve been away for a long time (about 3 months now) and I’ve spent most of that time working, paying off debts and getting in shape. But other than this diary not much has been done to help me in the future for my creating.

I kind of have a plan in my head which I will share with you now, but I have to state things change, and This is just an idea at the moment. I have to be carful what I write as people from my work place know I do YouTube and have watched my video… that was fun, not.

The plan is Cat 3 plan of June start time and I should if I worked out my money properly I should have a new “smaller” set up by then too. (New Camera, Laptop and Editing software.)

So the next 3 Months I need a return plan, And this is it.

  • 3 videos. First about what I was doing while I was away (in the form of shit-talking the whole use YouTube to travel the world for free.. sounds unrelated to my last 3 months but bare with me. The second is a challenge video, this is mainly for me practising for the new equipment. The last video is the as aforementioned How to prepare to live as a nomad. Planning to release these around the time of my departure (i.e the official start of nomadic life.)
  • A massive article about everything in my bag, Everything I own for Creating, Travel and Life. I plan to give details about the reasons I choose this item over others, the items I upgraded from, prices, where to find it. But most importantly I plan to update it regularly. This will be part of the “How to prepare to live as a nomad” video. But this article is going to be so in-depth and super helpful to people thinking about travelling nomadically and or creating.
    It’s not going to be like a way to get a commission but the guide you would want. For example, you know when you need to buy something but you know very little about the item, let’s give you an example of a rucksack. What makes the difference between £12 or £40 or £120 one, what was the main thing that made me want that one and why I upgraded from my last. I will do this for every item, physical and virtual that I own.
  • Reworking the website, Youtube page and to be fair if I get round to it all the social media. currently, the Funny Backpacker brands is a little bit of a mess. Am I an idiot that does challenges? A travel expert with tips? A Comedy Sketch? I feel the first impression of the funny backpacker is a messy one. For example, you might find me because you like me being weird then find an in-depth article on travel where I talk about my feelings and hate it. Currently, the website is built like the funny backpacker stole it from Sean and rebuilt it and added his friends. The rebrand is simple, its the Funny backpacker is two people, Sean Brett and the Funny Backpacker himself. Anything that is said, written by the Funny Backpacker is stupid, not completely true, it mainly for humour and to test social norms. Sean Will talk about my real experiences, giving advice only on stuff that I have done. If you see the about page you will see this

There is a lot more smaller stuff you will see as time goes on and new ideas form but these are the main things I want to achieve before leaving in Around 3 months (if all goes to plan.)

Date: 24/02/2021

Timing is key!

Being at the right place at the right time can be luck. But luck is made with good judgement and working hard. The right time and the place could be giving your cv in just as a position opens, yes you didn’t know there was a position going but giving out CV to many companies will increase your luck infinitely.

With this knowledge and the knowledge that I nearly rushed in to the Nomadic life before at the wrong time (with debts, overweight, being unhappy and during the a coronavirus lockdown) making a call on when to straight this life isn’t as start forward as I keep thinking.

As I said before I’m now fine-tuning 2 of my goals (becoming healthy & Money) I have no reason this couldn’t be done in a nomadic lifestyle But why start on the back foot, as this isn’t a sprint but a 10-year marathon with a finish line of massive challenges. With waiting a little longer I would have a much better financial position, better equipment for this and the YouTube channel and even have a little bit of a social life with friends and family which is needed.

But as a counter-argument in my own head I have, why am I waiting, do I really believe this, Do I need to set my self up to this standard? is this just a way to put of something as new and scary?

Apart from the controlled factors above. There is many factors that may help me decide, if things was to change:

  • My current job is a Christmas Temp job (on my second extension). My current extension is due to expire on the 27th of March if this was to happen. I would need to find work, Probably swaying me a lot further to the nomadic life quicker. Meaning looking for work, Anywhere.
  • When looking at finances, I kinda have a min amount that I need in my bank when on the Nomadic life, here are some of these categories;
    • Categorie 1: No money, I need a job, any job I don’t care.
    • Categorie 2: About £1000, which means I need to start looking at a way to earn money think about saving again. I have a month or two before I run out of money.
    • Categorie 3:About £2000 I can think about travel. I don’t need to think about work for a bit. If I want to have a month off, I probably could.
  • I currently sit in Cat 1, moving to Categorie two in the next couple of months and Cat 3 would be about Very early June time with all the equipment I want. Again due to work this could change.
  • There is also the factor of coronavirus to think about. restrictions and the what-if scenario. Borris has given a roadmap, with rough dates. But he also told us we could have Christmas together. (this isn’t making a dig, just making a point that things change). Even if this does go perfect. I wouldn’t be able really to travel properly without work until the 26th of June.
  • What about vaccines? I will get one when it’s available. I don’t want to be somewhere and get stuck due to not having a vaccine or miss mine or other complications.

I kind of a have an idea, it is vague. Again certain things above most happen to keep this plan…

Around early June, I will be looking at starting work on a farm in Scotland. This is later than originally planned (May). As the season goes from May- Oct but with the main season going through Jun-Sep. This could mean more hours per day which in turn means more money. In May work days can be short due to crops, where my current work is good hours so I wouldn’t lose there. (I would need to keep my current job and find a farm job for this to work)

When it comes to YouTube, Lockdown will be technically over in like a couple of weeks. This means I can go back to filming my vlogs outside. I’m in two minds about what I should do here. I could go back to filming Vlogs about how I’m saving for travel…Or wait.

Yes, there are loads of things I want to Talk about. But will it be better if I wait? Yes. Then putting pressure to film these subjects while doing vlogs about my current life, causing balance and storytelling issues.

I’m thinking of doing one massive video. This will not work well on YouTube. Due to the size and the Niche subject, I’m not looking at this video ever to reach the amount of watch time that it takes to create it. But for the ones that will want this information, it would be a resource like no other. I will do a diary of how I was able to start life as a nomad, with tips and things to do and not todo. This video will summarise all the previous videos, add a lot more subjects that need to be spoken about and close the gap leaving me to get back to vlogging. I will think about starting to film this soon but this won’t be finished until I have started my Nomadic life. So sorry My YouTube will be closed, until June?

I don’t know if it sounds like I’m putting my life on hold. This is far from the truth the real behind the scenes are happening and it’s not fun, it’s repetitive and boring. These decisions are hopefully going to be all made at the right time, taking me to the right place!

Date: 18/02/2021

I’m Back

I feel back in control of my life, I’m so close to completing goals that I thought I would struggle to complete come December. The main thing I’m happy.

I just pulled off a 13 day stint at work, doing averagely 60 hours a week on night shifts, A physical job. Doing this job has not only helped pay off debts at a rate that my bank might phone me up and worry about where I’m getting the money from. But also has taken me to my goal weight without “just losing weight” building muscle and fitness.

Can’t quite say it yet but my goals as it will take me a year to finalise positions on my health and money but my current standpoint means I’m able to maintain more than struggle at these challenges.

Without going to much details into my money online… I’m happy to say what I’ve achieved in the last 3/4 months has cleared me mostly. I will a better cost analysis at some point for you guys that want to know how to this yourself.

Since this photo (below) I have lost nearly 3 and a half stone. Most of this weight loss taken place since November 2020.

Paternity Shoot

So as you see the last three to four months has had a massive impact to my life. I’m looking forward to continuing this, with futher goals.

  • Get healthier ( maintain and improve)
  • Be debt free (maintain this for the year)
  • Apply For Uni (Delayed this)
  • Study for A-Level (Delayed this)
  • Build YouTube and Camera Skills
  • Travel more

But the most important thing I would like to mention, Due to the fact, I’m no longer focused on money and fitness… This leaves me open for more exciting parts of my life… Travel.

With lockdown still in place, it is still hard to plan ahead for travel. But there is a different feel within the travel community online, A sense of optimism I guess. I have even noticed a growth in the YouTube of around 10% even though I haven’t posted a video since early December. Which is exciting.

I feel like I have a new energy, or it could be the Monster I’m currently drinking at 1Am. But where before I was focused one area of my life due to trying to complete the goals I now have this sense of relaxed and readiness to take on the world, this is in the metaphorical sense and the literal sense.

Date: 04/02/2021

Imposter Syndrome

Funny you want to travel the world but who knew it would become you. The last couple of weeks since becoming human again and getting feelings and emotions has been odd, difficult hard to adjust to.
If you want to know what I mean about being human again Scroll down to to the Post called “Am I doing the right Thing?” (Or just click the link)

So there have been some difficult things to adjust to. One being a normal person having normal conversations when you switched yourself off for 3 months and got used to having conversations only about practical things i.e. work-related stuff and talking about your day. It’s been hard to talk to co-workers about my life, especially as I feel if I reveal myself to them. I would be considered weird. Which is massively a knock to me as I know I’m weird…

Look at this video I made in Minehead I run around the town making a weird arse action movie, even got a local to scream at my camera.


Keeping this part of my life secret, which is a massive my life. From anyone, just seems like I’m trying to fit in. This is something I’ve never worried about doing before. For goodness sake, I write a blog to about my life to the world without a worry. So the concept of hiding things in conversations about things in my life is strange on paper.

Being a temporary member of staff in the contract sense, but also knowing this is my temporary lifestyle. It doesn’t feel right and I guess I know I know deep down everything I have done and will do while working at this place will be forgotten in less time than I spend working there. So what is the point trying to let people know me… But I know doing this will set a bad president, as my travel lifestyle will be an ongoing cycle of temporary places.

So of you might read this a say, “it’s ok you don’t belong working 60-hour weeknight shifts, You are a travel creator” I would love to say that’s the case, even when I’m “on the road” and my whole life is devoted to this. I can’t truly call my self a travel creator as it will still be a hobby, not a full-time job.

The problem is, more than feeling like an imposter in travel and in current work place. The problem is I feel like I have no direction, no plans and really no idea when and how I’m going to start this lifestyle that I’ve been drawing out in my head for such a long time now.

The small details for the future

You probably heard me speak about my plans about a million times already and they always seem to change but having no idea when and what’s going to happen next. it’s hard to plan anything.

My work contact could run out any day, I don’t see it happening for the next couple of months but who knows?

I’ve tried planning ahead but it’s extremely hard to plan anything at this time. You might be certain you can do it but things are still changing daily around the world.

Date: 31/01/2021

Doing things in the background

Before I begin this week, Can the dickhead spammer just know that he is the reason we can’t have nice things!

I wanted to keep the comment board open on all the articles on this site as again I like that old school blog post feel. But we can’t currently have that due to a someone dick trying to get back end links to there sites via the mine. What I have researched when it comes to getting backend links, comments in the comment board don’t work and its a very old method which Google now has got rid of, again I’m not a master webmaster just a traveller. Until I worked out how to get rid of this dickhead I’ve closed all comments. If you want to contact me or leave a comment you can tweet me @funnybackpacker

As you can tell by the introduction I’m doing a lot of backend work and what I mean by that is stuff you don’t know that I’ve done but just keeps stuff flowing and tidy.

The most annoying part of this is to keep everything looking open but not running. What I mean by that if your a new person seeing this for the first time how can I say “I’ve not gone, just on a break until the lockdown is over?” The Website says, in the top pannel “No new videos due to lockdown 3.0. Check out Funny Backpacker Travel Diary (BLOG) for Current updates. Videos to Return ASAP.” It kinda explains that videos probably won’t be back until April which sucks but the content will be better then.


Most of my time in the last week has been spent on thinking about the future of my Patreon Page. A page that I love to give extra too. I never want that to go inactive as people(person) there spend money to support me.

Saying this I have struggled to think of extra content to give to them until I had this Idea

For you guys that can’t be bothered to read it, it says they get to choose a yearly challenge which only they will get updates for.
I Gave them 6 different options. I will show you the 5 options they didn’t pick. But only patrons can see the picked one.

“|The Handstand. 

This Challenge is going to be the most simplest challenge in the whole list but the hardest physically. This will tie in Health and mainly losing weight. Its simply over a whole year to build up strength to be able to do a handstand in December. I’m currently not sure it’s even possible.

This challenge is something I would love to do from a fitness point of view as I’ve never been able to get never this even at my last physical peak. 

What you get –

Each month you will get a video of me training and attempting this challenge (written when not travelling) I will talk about my fitness training weight loss and how I’m learning the technique. 

In December I will share this challenge on Youtube in the form of a montage challenge video  

Travelers guide to Meeting new people

Unlike the challenge previously mention this close to the opposite.  Not physical at all and will be less about the challenge itself and will be more about my life of meeting new people of the road. This will tie in with the fact I want to travel more in 2021

This challenge is something I will have to do no matter what. Meeting new people is always going to happen but the added research and learn and trying techniques  for meeting people could be more than embarrassing at times and sharing these with you will be worse

What you get- 

For the first couple of months due to lack of meeting new people, it’s going to mainly me learning weird and wacky techniques from books, the internet. I’m not going to lie the next couple of months would be very slow in the way of posts but after that, it will be a monthly vlog on updates on the techniques with inputs on which to techniques and how I should try to use them.

In December I will release a short video montage to advertise a book called ” Travelers guide to meeting new people” Which will be released in Jan 2022 and all current patrons that have been patrons for at least 6 months prior to release will receive a signed copy. 

This book will include chapters such as – How to meet fellow travelers, How to make relationships when traveling. Opening lines at hostels…Etc

Broke But Woke

The title of the challenge will tell you it is linked to the fact I plan to be debt-free by the end of the year. This challenge is perfect for you guys that love facts and figures or just want to know how to budget for travel.

This challenge itself is something that I will be doing already there isn’t much extra in the way of physically learning but I will be more open about my current finances and explaining my thoughts behind trying to find the most budget things travelers can do 

What you get-

Each month I will translate my budget into time. for example, I have 10 days left at emergency 20 days left at budget travel. There will be a key to explain what I mean. This is to stop me from just writing I have £2484 overdraft left and £200 cash. It will make sense and will be accurate but not bank details level ( as I don’t plan on being robbed).

I will also tell you about the tips I learn on the way. 

In Jan  I will release a book called how to save money to travel by traveling. all current patrons that have been patrons for at least 6 months prior to release will receive a signed copy.

This book will include chapters such as – How to pay off debts to travel, using travel techniques for saving money and extreme budget travel. 

Party tricks

This challenge again is from the travelling and meeting people goal for this year. But is less about my personal life and more about some tricks and games you can play with these people. These tricks may make me hated more than liked though

Being from a bartending background but more from drinking in bars I learnt a couple of tricks and games to play in bars but wouldn’t say I have enough for an arsenal but this is what I would like to build on. Knowing this stuff is always fun to do with friends, not so much with new people that might punch you in you leave them trapped on a table with a beer balancing on their thumbs. 

What you get- Each month I will learn a new trick with hopefully a story to go with it, when I try out my new trick to new people. 

In December- I will do a vlog where i try and get myself in with a group of people just by doing the party tricks…. could go well but probably not.

Yoga and meditation 

This challenge again comes from the health and fitness goal with it being about mind and body. 

I wanted to include a challenge that I don’t have much interest in at all. to learn something completely new. And also to see if your dicks and choose it.  

What you get- Each month you learn my thoughts as I learn the art of medtion and yoga

In December I will post a Yoga and Mediation video on the youtube page…. not sure what it will be.”

So as you see these challenges are a way of trying somthing new and giving monthly updates on the subject and it is revilled to everyone on in December so If your not a Pateon you will have to wait to find out. But the one they have chosen will keep me busy and i’m looking forward to it, but not.

Apart from work and Patreon, it has been a slow week and I’m not expecting it to pick up any time soon. Which is the calm before the storm

I will leave you this week with a picture of the Patreon Of The Year Ross McIntyre

Date: 23/01/2021

A question I’ve been asking myself for months.

It’s easy with life to do the easy option, With me the easy option after the break up wasn’t to my mums house, in fact this possibly could of been the hardest decision I had to make at the time. But like a lot of the decisions I had to make at the time, it felt it was made for me, more than its being chose by myself.

I didn’t choose to break-up, I didn’t choose to move out my house – I couldn’t afford it alone. I didn’t choose leaving my job – well I did, but the option was to stay in a place that I barely enjoyed and work with the pain of seeing her everyday, With this, I felt the decision was made for me.

When choosing where to go with no money, no job, no house and very little idea what I was going to do with my life, My decision was to run away and hide. Manchester in fact. Due to the fact I could start new up there with a job in a bar and build a new life, I guess. Traveling when I wanted/ could afford too.

I’m trying to explain this the best way possible but what I’m trying to say my original plan was to get away from the situation rather than confront it and actually work out what I want in life and what I enjoy.

I would have run away and hide, if it wasn’t to the fact Lockdown and restrictions took this away from me in November, giving me little choice to move in with family making the situation real. So real I just worked on fixing a part of my life I Currently hated the most. My Debt. Working nonstop to get rid of it as quick as possible. Because in my head, the only thing that stopping me from running away right now is my debt. To be fair even with the restrictions there is a way of travelling during this time… some countries are open to tourism and have didfferent limitations but… This isn’t my idea of travel.

The moment of clarity

Over the last week, something happened to me. My head finally cleared. It stopped trying to make the best logical decision and let me think about what I want, what I would enjoy.

It must sound super weird to read but I spend the last 3 months just trying to logically solve everything a bit like a computer because I had switched off my emotions rather than dealing with them but at the time I didn’t know this.

Main function: Earn as much money as possible, spend as little as possible, pay off debts, go traveling

Every choice I made, I would use the above to make the decision.

So when I asked myself where I wanted to go when I pay off my debts the vague answer of traveling would come up with 7-10 Vague options.

What opened me back up and turned me human again? Writing did.

As some of might know I’m currently writing my second book which in a weird way is more for myself than anyone. I use this book in a similar way to this diary to reflected on stuff in life.

I hadn’t touch this book for around 3 to 4 months and in a way closed the book never to be opened again and never to be finished. But when opening to write a bit more down, it was difficult because the words on how I felt about stuff really had to come out, I felt so much better after, it was a nice release .

The best way of explaining the release and going from robot to human, was not like you was deaf and Then you could hear perfectly again. More like you had off hearing and you just noticed you haven’t been hearing well for the last 3 months, then over the next couple of weeks you start hearing noises like zips on coats and people chewing from the other side of the room as your hearing gets better and better.

This was me and over the last couple of weeks I started caring and feeling a lot more. I felt happier, Again it wasn’t like I was sad before, just numb with a smile. I got bored at work, yes over the last 3 months of working 60 hour weeks I didn’t feel bored or anything really just did the job to earn money. I someone asked me “how’s the job“. My reply would be “I get paid well.” Which isn’t an answer to the question, but that’s because I couldn’t answer the question as it involves feeling.

The main thing is and something I never noticed… “I’m now excited to travel” before in a video, this video….


The bit where I’m at the bus stop I talk about “The itch of wanting to travel” This Itch looking back at it was more a need rather than a want. I needed just to get out, no emotion with it. I needed to run away.

Now I have the want, I’m excited for the future. I don’t need to get away to get away from life.

I don’t look at the bag no more and count down and say as soon as “I’m debt free I’m off anywhere. I don’t care.” I look at the bag now with hope, I see myself in a hostel somewhere chatting with random people. I see myself sweating my arse off not knowing when and where the next F%$king bus is at. I see myself back in Dublin on that pub crawl having a great laugh.

When I look at my YouTube Channel and this website, I don’t see it as something I have to do weekly to keep up with content otherwise I lose subs. I see it as a way getting a message across about something I enjoy. I forgot the feeling of this. It feels great to be back and really can’t remember when I felt this good. I can’t wait to get in front of that camera again and talk about trips and show amazing stuff and getting back in character as the Funny Backpacker for some challenges in places I can’t pronounce the names of.

But like travel, It will wait.

Scotland Here I Come?

when I think about what I want in my upcoming travel future there is Two things I want.

One: To be apart of the travel community, talk to like minded travelers and not about “I wish I could go travel again” Or “Throwback Picture to when we could travel last” I want to meet others that are actually traveling. Difficult I know, but there is one place I know is full with travelers … I’m not talking about hostels (even though this is my first port of call) Farms and working on farms. It’s Fucking hard work. Fast paced but the community makes it.

Two: Go somewhere new …. Sorry quick tweet

I can't wait to go somewhere new and feel stupid just using the "supermarket"

Sorry I’m was about to write this and I thought it sounded like a tweet so I tweeted it. I probably heard it from someone on twitter opps. But this is exactly what I want. I want to go to a new country or place and I want to not be able to understand simple things, so doing daily to things are fun and crazy and weird.

So why start it Scotland?

Well, lets just say I will be debt free in April/ May or close to debt free, It doesn’t mean one I’ll have the money to travel or 2 be able to with the Current limitations.

Scotland technically is one of the furthest places that I haven’t truly experienced. But again this isn’t the reason. The main reason is the fact I was thinking about the whole farm work and saw Scotland has a lot of farms in a “small” area. I say small I’m talking about the county of Fife. This is helpful because I can focus my job hunting to one area not to the world.

I want to try and do a full season. for 2 reasons, One the money but also a full Season would hopefully mean the farm would want me back again… Meaning it gives me more options when needing money in the future. This works out perfect as I believe my current job as a night shelf stocker would would have me back next Festive period or future period leaving me only a couple of months of the year where I would need to look for a new job if I needed one. Its like having an unofficial backup, as there is no guarantee but hope.

Where after Scotland?

Well there is two “places” that are currently holding my thoughts.

One being Eastern Europe. Traveling around eastern Europe. Going from Germany to Poland, Slovakia, Hungary, Romania and finish in Bulgaria or something like this. I wouldn’t take to long to complete this probably only a month. It would be very unstructured and go where I felt on the day.

Unlike Eastern Europe taking a month I would be looking at 3-6 months in S.E Asia but again it wouldn’t be just about going place to place here but more staying an area for a couple of weeks and moving on when and if I felt like it. Much slower paced.

The plan is to be going on one or both of these late this year but its not just about money or my plans that might get in the way. The world needs to recover still.

So that’s my year plan

They have changed a lot I still want to achieve 4 out of the 6 on my list to achieve this for my Goal of “Traveling to every country in a year” -10 year Timeline

2021 plans

  • Get healthier
  • Be debt free
  • Apply For Uni
  • Study for A Level
  • Build YouTube and Camera Skills
  • Travel more

But with me now realising what I want, not what I need. I’ve delayed Applying for Uni. This is one to give me more time to find out about me in this new lifestyle. Two the exams for A-level was cancelled meaning I would be doing and Level and Uni at the same time, which is stupidly and pointlessly stressful.

This may of put me back a year, but I actually doubt it. As I feel this is the right path for me.

Anyways plans might change again soon anyways they always are changing at the moment. So let’s see what happens

Date: 19/01/2021

Planning, Saving and Waiting to Travel Update

As you should already know that I’m planning to travel soon but can’t due to the restrictions put on the world currently, lockdowns and the fact i’m in massive debt, I can’t travel YET.

This was my last update for you guys which was released 5 weeks ago. But closer to 2 months due to filming, editing and publishing.

I would love to say a lot has happened in 2 months and this update is going to be extremely helpful for you guys that are saving to travel…

Just knowing that saving is boring and hard is helpful but in the way of “a lot happening” that would be a lie.

So the build-up to Christmas and New years happened and as Christmas got closer I got more and more tired and generally exhausted. I believe this was due to the fact I do night shifts at the supermarket. When I started in November I did 2 nights the first week then 5 nights a week, then 6 a week to build up to Christmas where I was doing 7 nights a week for a 2 week period. The feeling like shit, the nose bleeds and the random fainting was just down to being overworked and pulling over 60 hour weeks…

Christmas arrived and I was so tired all day, I felt shit to be fair and I struggled to take on this…

But Boxing day, I was back at it. Back to work for 2 nights then off for 3. Well, that’s what I thought… Got a call on the third night. “where are you?” “it’s my Night off” “Oh is it, can you come in?” “Yes of course…” And like that, I lost my next 3 nights off. My next day off was in a weeks time… But again stuff doesn’t go to plan”

New year’s Eve 2020: I get home from work to find one of my family feeling run down like me, but with coughing and a temperature. 2 of the symptoms that meant me phoning up work and telling them I can’t come in due to a household member having symptoms. I had to isolated for 10 days or until the test came back negative. But it didn’t it came back positive.

Within the first day I had my energy back but they get worse for the next 5 days getting to a stage when they would be out of breath just talking. They recovered but it was scary at times especially with reports of hospitals filling up. Was it me that gave it to them? Did I have it? Or was I just overworked?

Hindsight I believe I had it. After seeing my family member having a lot of my symptoms and more (being the symptoms you have to isolate for). My workplace people all over the shop have it, prior to my isolation and even prior to my feeling weak and even still it’s being passed around like your mum. I do feel guilty, But I did everything by the book. But knowing what I know now I would lie to the government and said I had symptoms, just to get a test and isolated then. *Update the are starting to roll out non-symptom tests for the general public.

So what did I do In isolation for ten days…

Cracked out this bad boy.

The Wii, But more importantly the Wii Fit

I didn’t just play the Wii Fit, I won the Wii Fit…

Ski Jump
That stupid arse balancing the balls in the holes.
That snowball one

You probably notice a theme on this Wii fit, yes my name is now on the top spot, but my sister, Emma was there. Playing the Wii over the 10 days wasn’t about having fun or losing weight just knocking my competitive sister off the top spot for as many games as possible, as she isn’t in the household and sending her these pictures over what’s app annoyed the fuck out of her. She held the records since 2009, yes the Wii might not be used much in other houses at the moment…But it’s still highly competitive here.

Since returning to work at 10 past midnight on the 10th I have been working every day since. with my next day off on This Friday to give blood (linked in case you want to donate to, as your not travelling out the country you can do it.)

Working 14 nights in a row is difficult and my neck aches a little but hopefully, that will improve in the next couple of days. Also started packing my bag with stuff from amazon but more on that later

I have no plans at the moment to get out the camera but I have ideas of what I need to film, other than general updates. These will probably be articles on this website too when I get round to it. (will link these when they are on the site)

  • What is packed for long haul travel (with costs for everything)
  • How I saved for travel (with my income)
  • Downsizing Your life (maybe)
  • Overview from living at home with parents to traveling

Date: 18/01/2021

Introduction and Why I’ve made this diary

Where the hell do I start with this, Do I tell you who I am? Well if your on this site you know I’m Sean Brett AKA the Funny Backpacker. But a little bit of

my history can be found here: https://funnybackpacker.com/sean-brett/

Then Move on to this video:


See this is going to be a very lazy writing style, it is a diary. I will talk about the stuff I want to talk about and link you to things I’ve spoken about previously. It makes sense. If you are a fan it will bore you to look over this stuff again, and if you haven’t seen it more watch time and clicks for me, win,win.

So You know who I am, and if you have been following the “10 years to travel the world in a year” you will know how I lost everything, moved to my parents in Essex 2020, it was during Lockdown 2.0, got a Temp night job and planned to travel when everything went back to normal.

Then In the last video promised to update you about Christmas and New Years and If I kept my job due to it being a temp Christmas job but I wasn’t able to it and it has been nearly 3 weeks.

So why haven’t I filmed, Well Lockdown 3 happened. This lockdown means I can’t go out and film and I don’t want to film my parent’s house… So it left me no choice but not to film.

So This is where this blog will come in handy, This blog has a lot more uses than just being a lockdown blog or a blog when I can’t film. it will be a weekly update to my current life… As the videos take time to edit, record and write scripts and normally I will wait to update you on a whole subject in the video from start to finish. The video is a little delayed of around two weeks. Unlike this blog, I plan to write every Sunday but nothing is stopping me writing every day. So make sure you check back regularly.

But don’t worry when I can film there will be this blog and the videos again. Just a heads up, you guys that read this, might get a preview of what’s to come on the videos.

Who is this blog for? You, If your reading this you want to know more about real travel life or your maybe a friend, family that might want to know I’m alive and what continent I’m currently in. This blog is going to be unlike the other articles I’m not directly going to give tips on places or ways to travel but I will link you to the tips I used or wrote about because of my travels.

All I know is this diary is going to be messy, structurally messy. How do I know this? Well, it’s about my Travel life and that’s exactly what that is like.

Disclaimer: The way I proofread, anything, My books, Other Articles on this website, long paragraphs to friends bitching about over friends, is by using text to speech and listing back and correcting as I listen. Doing this for a diary blog post might prove difficult at times so bear with me if words are missing or misspelt. oh and there may be the odd swear word too.