Solo Travel is just for losers

Is Solo Travel Just For Losers With No Friends?

Why Solo Travel is actually cool

No solo travel isn’t just for losers without friends. I will explain why this isn’t the case, The benefits of solo travel, and how to prepare yourself to become a solo traveler.

Why solo travel is a better choice than group travel or couple travel

Solo travel is true freedom. Traveling with your parents is cool but you have to-do what they say. A group normally comes down to a vote and Couple travel, you don’t get a say and when you do your wrong.

This is the reason why solo travel is massive for successful travelers (which I mean: travelers that use travel to make a living). Don’t get me wrong there are a family traveler and lots of other types of travelers that are successful but they are rarer than someone that has little ties.

When you wake up on a solo trip you can change plans when and if you want. The plan can be hard to change in other situations.

How to prepare yourself for solo travel

Preparing yourself for solo travel is key to make it enjoyable, there is a lot to learn to make it as floorless and some of the experts make it look.

The thought of failure

Group travel, couple travel, or traveling with your parents. If something goes wrong there is a team to work out the situation or more importantly a team to blame. Most people are not scared of being alone or the thought of traveling alone. Its the thought of something going wrong and there is no one to help them.

The only way to break through this thought of failure is by realizing it not that scary and you can solve most situations that come your way yourself, if not you know others physically, or more importantly, you can get resources to help. as you go down this list I will help you get these resources

Breaking the social boundary you put on yourself

If I told you to go to the cinema by yourself, what would be your response.
“only weirdos do that” or “ok that isn’t hard”

The thought of doing really simple tasks as walking into a cinema and asking for a ticket for one and sitting down watching a film can seem like an impossible task to some. Others see it as easy as breathing.

This is because the ones of you that think going to the cinema alone is for weirdos is a social boundary that you have put on your own head. when was the last time you went to the cinema and saw someone sitting on there own and then people started calling them a weirdo and telling them they are not allowed in there alone, it doesn’t happen because it not real? It’s a social boundary that you set.

You need to start to break these boundaries as the further you can expand it the more you will enjoy yourself.

Here is a list of ways you can slowly build your boundaries. Try these Tasks in this order and move on to the next once you feel comfortable doing it.

  • Order fast food by yourself
  • Sit in and eat fast food in the restaurant alone
  • Stay at the hotel alone
  • Stay at a hostel alone
  • Go to the cinema alone
  • Ask for a table for one at the buffet
  • Go to a posh restaurant and ask for a table for one

Even me who does stupid social challenges like dressing up blue and holding signs up in town or asking strangers to scream at my camera. sitting in a posh restaurant would be a hard task for me.

Learn from others

Two great things come from watching others solo travel , one is the fact it opens your mind to what your social boundaries are. ( you look at something wow I would never been able todo that alone. But now you know its possible)

The other is the tips that they can give you from there experiences

I will add to this list when I see fit.

These people help me with solo travel though watching and listening to them

Nomadic Matt– Massive Solo travel blogger (here is a good article from him about overcoming being alone)

He has a massive range of articles and books, great for you guys that prefer reading

Backpacking Bananas – Female Solo Travel Vlogger

Not only gives tips for solo travel, She vlogs all her trips and shows all the fantastic places (and people she meets on the way)

Funny Backpacker – Social Comfort zone Breaker

I personally take the solo travel one step further and actively try and see what reaction people give you when you do weird stuff when traveling alone. Normally nothing or avoids, or people eye contact.

Plan more (look up your hobbies)

One key thing to do when first starting out as solo traveler is to plan more around your hobbies.

I learned this when I started solo travel. I messed this up on my trip to Germany, it was great but ended up walking around not knowing what-to-do which can make you feel lonely.

But when I went to Ireland I looked at all the things-to-do and over-planned stuff. some of my things on my list I didn’t have time for but this was a better experience.

As you get better at becoming a solo traveller you will plan less, but until then plan around your hobbies.

Think about how you can be social

Think ahead, think hostels, think group tours, think planned pub crawls.

These are all is easy ways of meeting new people while traveling. Solo travel can be lonely at times but there are many ways to keep it social.

The only way for you to truly learn how to be solo traveler

is by getting out here and trying it.

Take a small weekend away and build from there.

Enjoy becoming a solo traveling and hit me up on twitter or check out my YouTube channel for funny Travel Videos.

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