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Is Safe To Walk Around Bali, Indonesia? Tips to Stay Safe While Walking

Is it safe to walk around Bali

Are the Streets Safe in Bali?

Bali is a safe and very friendly country that welcomes tourism. They actually go out of there way to promote tourism, due to the fact it brings in so much money into their country.

If someone or something that causes tourists to be negatively affected I believe they would try to reduce it right away!

But saying all this you do need to think about a couple of things if you are planning on taking long walks on the path.


If you are planning on walking anywhere in Bali you need to be aware of the traffic. The Locals has skills at dodging mopeds like they were on bumper cars but tourists, not so much. You might be thinking, “Why do I care I’m on the path?”. Two reasons the path will be blocked at points (or you might need to cross a road) or a moped might come on to the path!

There are a lot of the times where mopeds and People share “roads” But the thing is the path could be in the middle of the road due to steps then back on the left when the steps disappear.

Stairs in the middle of the road

Another thing to watch out for traffic is overloaded and sticking out objects on a moped, You might think your clear then find out they have a large pole on the back.

Yes that is a moped

The last tip for traffic is not to make sudden changes to your position. If your walking straight, people will be able to adjust around you. If you go to cross the road and see a car coming, Running might actually have the car hit into you as it was planning to avoid you, not stop.

“The Traffic goes with the flow, not the road”

Our taxi driver Ketut

The pavement

This is one thing I have taken for granted, Flat pavement with very few pots holes. This is one of the things that might lead you on the road, as the pavement may not exist anymore. Some of the cracks are so big you have to jump over them. On top of the mopeds being parked on the pavements, you should avoid the Canang Sari (Flowers as gifts to thanks to God(S)) if you don’t want to annoy the locals.

They don’t worry about people without bikes

Just make sure you look out before stepping on the road.

Step on a crack, Break your own back

This is quite a common sight in Bali. I’m not complaining but think before packing flipflops as your main shoes.

Yes, I didn’t watch where I was going and got a sharp brick in my toe (A picture for you feet lovers)

I was lucky it was just a scrape, but if you don’t pay attention you can easily twist an ankle and you will be out for your whole holiday.


This point might seem a little strange but the weather in Bali is always hot and muggy just make sure you pack lots of water when going on walks and but on sun cream. it might look cloudy but you can get burnt easily still!

The fact it’s so hot and humid it can make a 20-minute walk feel like hours, I have mentioned before I’m not the fittest by a long shot (rather fat) but I can happily walk 8 hours on a hot day in Australia but not over half-hour in Bali

Strangely enough, Bali Loves the use of steps, Large, Many Steps! Hot weather and steps will make you want to die!


As I mentioned before Bali Is a relatively safe place but you should always be aware of thieves, Especially when walking! Beware of people snatching bags from mopeds.

Staying safe at night time in Bali

When It comes to night time in Bali, It is relatively safe to be out and about but after dark everything previously mentioned is increased by 10 times;

Saying all this, you can still plan to go out in dark but the best option for staying safe in Bali at night is to get a taxi, stay in a group and stay aware!

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