Travel Essentials

Travel Essentials: What to Pack for Your Next Adventure

Every adventure can be different. You could be backpacking around the world, going on a weekend getaway or just going to visit your family in a foreign country. But these 7 things are perfect and a must-need for your next trip away!

In this article, we give you some advice on what you could get. All the things we recommend we currently use and have affiliate links for.

1. Get A Backpack That Suits You!

Get A Backpack That Suits You!

The first and main thing you need is a good backpack to travel with. You will notice how it is a backpack, not a suitcase. Unless you are unable to carry a backpack, a suitcase is more trouble than it’s worth, just break a wheel, your trip is ruined.

When picking a Backpack, make sure it has the features you need. Here is an article about the backpacks we use.

2. Earplugs


Doesn’t matter if you’re going to a fancy hotel, a cheap hostel or even staying at your grandparent’s house. You might just need some good earplugs just to block out some snoring, partying or other annoying noises when you’re trying to sleep.

This is one item that I say it’s better to pack rather than not have. As they are light and take up very little room in a bag. Here are our favourite earplugs and the ones we currently use.

3. Good Underwear

Good Underwear

Most men get a pair of underwear on their birthday and or Christmas. Women get pairs that look nice. But how about you get a pair that is good to travel in, walk in and just generally comfy? Good underwear for travelling, it will change you! No chafing, no sweating parts, generally better downstairs.

If you want to know our favourite underwear (for both males and females) check the links

4. Reusable Water Bottle

I’m not saying everywhere you go, there will be drinkable water, but you might be shocked by how many countries do. But even if you are planning on going to a place you have to buy bottled water. Getting yourself a reusable water bottle can still save you money. You can buy big bottles of water and split them into small reusable bottles. Which will be cheaper than the smaller bottles.

These are our water bottles, Great for keeping the water cold for up to 10 hours.

5. Travel Adapter

Travel Adapter

You can get a universal travel adapter that covers all different countries and all the different electrical outlets. Giving you one less thing to worry about before your next trip.

This is the same as mine but there are plenty of ones similar

6. Passport Cover

Passport cover

I once turned up at an airport with a damaged passport, luckily I was allowed to go home. But it could have been much worse. When applying for a new passport, it was a pain! Anyway lesson to this story, is to get a passport cover.

Here is my passport cover, isn’t it just beautiful

7. Take a Hobby With You

Take a hobby with you

There is much more downtime to travel than you think there is. Travel is great but sometimes it’s nice to have something to do. For me, it is editing videos, and writing blogs. For Holly it’s crochet. Just think ahead and pack some hobbies with you.


There are more great travel articles on this website!

Check out this one if you are thinking about Backpacking Europe